Local Jobs for Local People
Hume's Local Jobs for Local People is a free service available to both businesses and residents.
Are you looking for a job?
Making the move to Hume is a great choice for you and your career. If you have ever considered an exciting and rewarding career in local government, then explore the variety of career opportunities available at Hume City Council.
Current vacancies and position descriptions
Connect with local employers
Connect with local employers and access exclusive job opportunities and support using the following websites:
Hume Joblink
Melbourne Airport Joblink
By joining these talent communities you can search and apply for local jobs (Council and local businesses)
- access local job opportunities on web or your mobile
- receive access to member only jobs
- upload your resume using AirCv and have access to it anywhere, anytime
- share jobs you find on these social media platforms: email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+
- obtain personal job support by our project officers
- receive notifications about workshops and events, and;
- access supporting information and useful links.
The Joblink portals are web and mobile ready so you can access them from your computer or mobile device.
Download the Hume Joblink app on Apple or Google Play to receive updates on all the latest jobs in your area.
Need more staff?
We can assist you by:
- advertising your vacancy for free on the Hume Talent Community Hume Joblink
- providing easy access to a community of willing and active local candidates
- promoting your local opportunities on web and mobile
- supporting you with pre- screening, interviewing and shortlisting tasks
- linking you with the right training organisation and government agencies to ensure you receive the best support for your company and your employees
For more information:
Phone: 9205 2858
Email: joblink@hume.vic.gov.au
Download the Hume Joblink app on Apple or Google Play and upload all your latest employment opportunities for job seekers.
Local Jobs for Local People Handbook
The 'Local jobs for local people' handbook is designed to provide local government leaders with the practical knowledge needed to implement the Hume program model in their own communities.
The Local Jobs for Local People handbook(PDF, 6MB) is relevant to federal and state government decision-makers, employers, employment and service providers, vocational training organisations and other organisations working to address unemployment and improve social cohesion.
Networks and Resources
Hume Jobs and Skills Taskforce

The Hume Jobs and Skills Taskforce (HJSTF) provides strategic stewardship for planning whole of government and community support to improve employment opportunities for Hume residents while providing an effective labour supply to local businesses.
Membership includes representation from:
- Hume City Council
- Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
- State Department of Jobs, Skills, Precincts and Regions
- State Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Victorian Skills Authority
- Sage Business Group
- Brite Services
- Melbourne Storm Rugby League Club
- Scalzo Food Industries
- Nestle Australia
- Bendigo Kangan Institute
- Victoria University
- Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network
- Hume Employment and Learning Committee
- Mount Ridley College
- Deakin University
- NORTH Link
- Caravan Industry Victoria
- National Caravan Industry Training College
- Banksia Gardens Community Services
- Melbourne Airport Corporation
- CSL Behring
- Local Jobs Program
- Stockland
- La Trobe University
- DPV Health
For more information please email joblink@hume.vic.gov.au.
Hume Employment and Learning Committee (ELC)

This is a formal committee in Hume bringing together employment and learning providers to support the Hume community and to maximise employment and learning opportunities for Hume residents. The Hume ELC is made up of 39 member organisations including Workforce Australia providers, Disability Employment Services providers, Jobs Victoria Employment Network providers, Services Australia, Hume City Council, Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network and local training providers.
Vision: The Hume Employment and Learning Committee is a network that collaborates to improve local employment and learning opportunities for the Hume community.
The committee has developed a 2022 - 2024 Action Plan which you can view here(PDF, 165KB)
For more information email joblink@hume.vic.gov.au.
Other helpful website links