Our communications will look a little different during the 2024 Local Government Council election period.
Council offers year 7 and year 10 immunisations, through a school immunisation program. This is a free program for all year 7 and year 10 students. Students will need consent from a parent or guardian before any vaccine is given.
One dose of HPV (Human Papilooomavirus Human papillomavirus (HPV) and immunisation - Better Health Channel
One dose of Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whopping cough) Immunisation – DTP, polio, hep B and Hib - Better Health Channel
One dose of Meningococcal ACYW Meningococcal disease - Better Health Channel
if your child has missed their year 7 or year 10 school immunisation, please book an appointment for a general immunisation session.
Book an appointment online
If you are unsure contact our immunisation team on immunisation@hume.vic.gov.au or 93566745.
Call: 9356 6745
Email: immunisation@hume.vic.gov.au