Galleries Hume's annual gallery program offers the community a diverse and exciting array of exhibitions, events and participatory activities. Find out about current, future and past exhibitions.
Murals of Hume Take a look at the stunning public art across our city. Local artist and local history are captured in murals throughout our community.
Exhibit in Hume Find out how to exhibit in our three gallery spaces. Artists and community groups are encouraged to express their interest to exhibit in our dedicated cultural spaces.
Artist-in-Residence Program We are seeking six artists or art collectives to develop work for Sunbury Community, Arts and Cultural Precinct.
Craigieburn Road Legacy Art trail As part of the Craigieburn Road Upgrade, Major Road Projects Victoria worked with local artists and the community to reimagine and reinvent public spaces through a signal box art trail.
Sunbury Community Arts and Cultural Precinct Advisory Board The Sunbury Community Arts and Cultural Precinct is being developed, and we’re looking for people from a range of sectors to join an Advisory Board.