Sheena Frost, Chief Executive Officer
Sheena Frost joined Hume City Council as CEO in July 2021. In her 16-year career in local government, she has developed extensive experience across both service delivery and corporate services functions. She has a background in leading change programs to uplift capabilities within organisations to deliver improved service outcomes to the community.
She has formal qualifications in Communication and Workplace Coaching and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
As CEO, Sheena is responsible for the day to-day running of Hume City Council and, in particular, implementing Council decisions, providing timely advice to Council and achieving Council’s goals in accordance with the Council Plan and approved budget.
Hector Gaston, Director of Customer & Strategy
Hector Gaston joined Hume City Council in 2011 as Manager Aged Services & Public Health. Prior to this he worked at Moonee Valley City Council as well as the former City of Keilor. With over 30 years of experience in health, regulatory and community services in Local Government, he was appointed to the role of Director Community Services in 2018, Director City Services & Living in 2022 and Director of Customer & Strategy 2024. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Health), a Graduate Certificate of Business (Applied Business) and is an Australian Institute of Company Directors member.
Customer & Strategy leads advocacy on behalf of the community and engages community to help inform Council decisions, all while driving continual improvement and innovation. The division also delivers customer experiences and services, IT infrastructure, security, project management support, service reviews, and information management. It manages media relationships and provides vital news and information to staff and the community.
Adam McSwain, Director of Infrastructure & Assets
Adam joined Hume City Council in July 2022 with more than 14 years’ experience in local government. Prior to joining Hume, he was the Director Environment, Recreation and Infrastructure at Bayside City Council, and previously held executive roles at Edward River Council and Swan Hill Rural City Council. Adam has experience across capital delivery, strategy development and implementation and service review and transformation. Adam holds a Master of Business Administration, Master of Politics and Public Policy and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Infrastructure & Assets is responsible for managing a diverse range of community infrastructure and services for Council and the community, project managing of Council’s capital works program and subdivisional development, and maintaining Council’s assets including footpaths, roads, parks, bridges, and buildings. The division is also responsible for waste management and landfills, maintaining parks and gardens, rural land support, and protecting Hume City’s biodiversity.
Rachel Dapiran, Director of City Planning & Places
Rachel joined Hume City Council in July 2022 after 20 years of experience working in planning, policy and strategy roles in local government and state government developing complex policy, pursuing reform and managing change. She held various Executive Director positions at the Victorian Planning Authority, leading teams responsible for planning, infrastructure, strategy and engagement. She is passionate about creating great places for people – having worked closely with Hume City Council on plans for Broadmeadows and Jacksons Hill in previous roles. Rachel has a Master of Urban and Regional Planning.
City Planning & Places focuses on the sustainable development of Hume, fostering economic prosperity, promoting urban design excellence and recreation planning. The division is responsible for Council’s land use planning portfolio, including planning and building control, transport and infrastructure planning, economic development, environmental planning, and urban and open space planning and design.
Kristen Cherry, Acting Director of City Services & Living
Kristen joined Hume City Council in 2018 as Manager Community Strengthening and her current substantive role is Council’s Manager City Lifestyle. Kristen has over 20 years’ experience in local government, working predominantly in growth councils. Kristen has extensive experience across community services including leisure and recreation, libraries, community development, youth services, arts and culture, community centres and venues, community safety and economic development. She holds a Master of Business, a Graduate Certificate in Economic Development, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
City Services & Living advocates, plans and provides support, services and programs that enhance community wellbeing, promote healthy living and safety, while providing opportunities to participate in Hume City life. This includes services such as maternal and child health, immunisation, public health, preschool, childcare, youth services, libraries, aged care services, arts and events and leisure facilities. This division is also responsible for sustainability engagement, community safety, city laws, emergency management, community capacity building and social and health planning.
Fadi Srour, Chief Finance Officer, Finance & Governance
Fadi Srour joined Hume City Council in 2005 as Manager Finance & Property Development. His extensive background in accounting and auditing includes experience in financial and tax planning, risk mitigation and internal and external auditing of a range of organisations including ASX listed companies and local governments. Since joining the organisation, internal controls and the robustness with which the annual budget and financial statements have been strengthened, in conjunction with the development of a long-term Financial Plan, have created a financially sustainable and debt free Council. He is a qualified chartered accountant, a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has completed the Professional Property Development Programme with the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA).
Finance & Governance is responsible for the management of Council’s finances including the development of a long-term financial plan and annual operational and capital works budgets for use in planning, performance evaluation and operational control as well as providing strategic direction to ensure the Council Plan can be funded. It is also responsible for Council’s compliance with corporate business obligations including governance and risk management, rates and valuations, grants, procurement and property management. The division also provides guidance to Council and the Executive Leadership Team in legislative and statutory issues, especially the implementation and operation of the Local Government Act.
Fiona Shanks, Chief People Officer, People & Culture
Fiona joined Hume City Council in November 2021 as Human Resources Manager before leading the One Hume organisational realignment as Interim Director Communications, Engagement and Advocacy. Fiona was appointed to the role Chief People Officer in July 2022. With 15 years’ experience as a People & Culture practitioner, Fiona’s expertise also includes risk, governance, and business management. Her previous roles include Manager Organisational Development, Rural City of Wangaratta, Interim Chief Executive Officer at Northeast Health Wangaratta, and she is the current Chairperson of BankWAW.
People & Culture provides strategic and operational advice on all matters relating to our people. We lead and oversee the implementation of the people and culture strategy, talent acquisition, leadership development and organisational development, workforce planning, and the Gender Equity Action plan. The directorate is responsible for all general employee services, learning and development, employee relations and industrial relations, WorkCover and payroll and work, health, and safety throughout Council’s diverse work environments.