Our communications will look a little different during the 2024 Local Government Council election period.
Since 2001, Hume City Council’s commitment to social justice and human rights has been illustrated and embedded through the Social Justice Charter. As a ‘living document’, this Social Justice Charter builds on the 2014 document which was developed after extensive community and stakeholder review, defines Council's commitment to social justice and articulates the consideration of The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (VIC).
Social Justice is a central basis for policy and service planning at Hume. Through this commitment Council supports justice, fairness, accountability, as well as economic and social participation. Council has an ethical duty and a legal obligation to respect, protect, and fulfil the human rights of our residents, and to hold ourselves accountable for human rights outcomes.
Social Justice Charter guiding principles influence all Council initiatives. In the pursuit of a fair and just society Council will: