Hume Community Revitalisation Project

A woman takes a selfie with friends behind her, posing for the photo.

Jobs Victoria's $10.8 million Community Revitalisation Program offers new pathways to employment for those facing entrenched barriers to meaningful and ongoing work. Community revitalisation involves the community as active participants in delivering solutions. The following community revitalisation initiatives are currently underway:

  • Passport to Work aims to increase the level of productivity and emotional resilience of local job seekers over a three to four month period so that they are ready to move into meaningful, ongoing work.  

  • Social procurement Employment and Economic Development (SEED) program is a collaborative approach which aims to build capacity of Hume businesses to adopt inclusive and diverse employment practices and to create collective impact through social procurement. The program aims to inspire and support local organisations across a range of industries to establish a Hume Framework and Regional Action Plan providing the roadmap for businesses to adopt inclusive and diverse employment practices. A network of leading Hume private and public industry partners is working together to create employment opportunities for local people and improve economic outcomes for the Hume community.

  • Hume Community Jobs and Skills Working Group aims to address challenges and barriers faced by unemployed Hume residents in accessing meaningful local employment. The working group comprises of individuals from diverse backgrounds with lived experience of unemployment, who inform the Hume Jobs and Skills Taskforce to:
  •   Identify and remove barriers to equitable access to employment
  •   Provide input and feedback on current programs and services and devise interventions

Hume Community Revitalisation Impact and Learning Plan(PDF, 792KB)

Hume-Community-Revitalisation-Co-design-and-Consultations.pdf(PDF, 153KB)

HCRP-Local-Economic-Inclusion-Plan.pdf(PDF, 268KB)

For more information about the Hume Community Revitalisation Project please contact 0477 377 118.